Wow, You Filling It? Saturday, January 31, 2009
at 8:03 PMoh tdy meeting brp minute ajeh , sugguh buang mase sayer bgn pepagy . AYYIO . den g0 to eun0s foodcourt f0r breakfast. i ask f0r nasi g0reng w/out say0r as per n0rmal . HAAAAHA . pastuh CT came , we chitchat ,laugh2 . den off t0 bugis ,i followed kkbuddy& ct drg nk study . smpaii bugis library , i dunn0 wat t0 d0 .coz drg tgh blaja science. mls nk tgk bende2 science nih , mentang2 tk blaja eh . i took pictures,c0nteng2 paper. pastuh amal came , i did maths hw wif her. pictures are at kkbuddy's & ct's camera. BLABLABLA. den kkbuddy & amal balek . ct& me off to mesjed , ceyh org tuh da alim peh s0lat. kt mesjed jmp ijam , haha! ijam:lame tk nmpk krg? me:smlm baru gy sini . ijam :oh tk nmpk pon . me:heh . ct saw fathin time cross the road , i didnt i was busy looking at the bus. haha! BLABLA. ct refuse t0 let me g0 to kenduri org kawen . die sur0 saye temankn die jln2 . s0 i did. we d0nt n0e where t0 g0 . den pkpk nk gy tampines. decided t0 call kid t0 meet her, coz die kt daerah situ . den da smpai simei , we eat our sotong . den buy bubble tea. atlast kid tk ley jmp or wats0ever. kte pasrah ,oh n0t me ct. she was alittle dissapointed. den we walk2 kt eastpoint tgk baju sume. pastu sit at dis branch , camewhoring . cheering up ct , hahaah ! CEYH ct g0t crush ey ? wtvr. talktalktalklaughlaugh. den g0 popular, search f0r her b00k . SKIPPING PARTS. nk otw balek , den jmp dis org gangster, cmne saye tawu ? die ade symbol kt muke die gituh kn klw org tuh part of gangster. i tink. dari jaoh die lmbai sayer. saye dah *gulrpsss * mate tebeliak gitu . tepranjat ah abeyy .psl haritu die mintk saye derma saye tkdeh duit den saye jln tk snym . igt die nk bwt apeh kn tdy. HAHAH! den die bebual sume. him:relek ah tepranjat nmpk, jgn tak0t .saye tk mkn awk nyeh . RELEKRELEK . i:HEH.*smiling* him:adek nk bantuu....BLABLBALA. i:duadollar boleh? him:b0le asl kn bk bantu , amount of duit tk kire. ok i gave the money den jln , skaly die panggel , HIM:adek! me:ye. he was waving:bye adek ! i just smiled,weird much . HAHA . paiseyy d0k . aku tak0t la abeyy ! dahh . abeyh lps ni nk klua lgy gy airport. send auntie nk continue lgy study . ayiio ! xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ at 9:49 AM kkbuddy called me just n0w & enturupts my wonderful dream. AYIIO, u ah . den i slept back . aft a few min dat zepakking called. she cant go to dat meeting i d0nt noe why. i kept asking , i dunn0 wat she answered. s0 sleepy, its saturday i wanna wake up late ! aft dis g0t meeting sumore . alamak so lazy ah . tkkpeh gy mesjed dpt pahale eyyy . anw,meeting starts at 11 & now its 10 ,i havent even take my bath . late abit can rite? HEH . xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Friday, January 30, 2009
at 10:58 PMThursday: OHYAH . class super biseng, suke nah jerit eyy satusatu . Maya&Billy tk boley dudok semsame btol , suke bully eachother, abeyy kcw2 org. sungguh irritating . denden aft sch. First Al-Hawwariyyun exco meeting at darul aman mosque . yayy , saye naek pangkt ! happy la abeh ? okayy denden , nabel,umi& me were like laughing our chairs off wen we heard abg naz's voice. suare wth sey . kekek gyler. okay pastuh meeting da start sume step baek ah kn dpn laki . hahaha ! Ude pny tgn , wooo ! very scary . EYY INI PART . wow . saye miss gitu da lame tk jmp USTAT FAIRUZ. skalyy die masok meeting room ! WOOOW ! COOL DUDE . wtvr . mlm british council. tgk crite the incredibles. boring -___- abeh kte kne search any movies pastuh bwt summary . i choose WALL-E , okay dat was the first idea dat came up on my mind. WALL-E cute la eyhh ! BLBALABALA! balek tgk american idol . Friday : oh skolah ! FIQH & FARAID peh period very ngantok . zah suke sidetrack ah kn . tpy saye dpt melawan godaan syaitan, tk tutop pon mate kuh . itu anak2 yg tido , ish ! sungguh pelajar tkley dicontohi . abeyy maths . okayy ah kan , harini tk stress sgt. recess makan la abeyh . den malay period , bina ayat, werd sume taktawu tny nabel same umi . abeh saye bwt sentences merepek2. naseb cikgu tk mark sayeh nye kt class. klw tidak bwt malu sajeh , mcm org tuh ehh . OHHSKIPPINGPARTS. abehh tdy ade YS meeting kt mesjedsultan;nite cycling . abeh bdk junied masok meeting room bwk mcm satu class sey. terkejot sayeh . abehabeh start lmbt . ayiio . tk tau organise btol . saye mls nk dudok dpn2, saye same zepak mind our own buisness kt blakang. bebual as if nothing happen kt dpn . tpy saye tawu ape yg drg plan ah kn . BLALAALAAALA. xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
at 10:09 PMoh . tmr must present tafsir project. & we havent done anything yet, apart from finding pictures. GAAAAAH . sumeorg tkd keyboard arab. &this is the worst part, everyone dosent have a powerpoint , how pathetic can dat be ? haahaaa! i wish my computer is alive in some other wayy . ohh, abeh ini laptop sungguh tk gune tkd power point, micrsoft werd & tkley download msn ! & how am i to video call people?? ayyyiioyoothambi! SHISH . xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Tuesday, January 27, 2009
at 5:59 PMoh nothing much today . aunties n uncles n cuzzies n granny n granpa came . hahaha ! i dont noe wats the ocation , suddenly they just came to my house. oh pastuh maen game board dgn sedare, i gave up atlast. i hate playing nvr ending games . SHiSSH! pastuh eat nasi lemak . den ktrg tgk rihanna pny concert kt tv, bkk volume kuat2 . da mcm disco kt rmh. oh ya eat dessert . YUMMY ! rmh bising AHH . imagine 8 little children playing together. gahh , memekak i tell u . klw drg bebual pelan2 tkp, suke nah jerit2 . da tuh maen kt bilik sayer. da jdy cm kandang apeh , beseraaaak ! ni part ah mls nk kemas. ohhoh ! abey saye pny hello kitty curtain putus2. thnx to dem klua masok bilik lari2. BSK SKOLA LAH ABEY !
xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Monday, January 26, 2009
at 8:40 PMOKAYY JUST CAME BACK FROM PASIRRISPARK . dari pagi smpaii kemalam , sungguh pnt . && sumpah aku kenyang. Anas :))
set tent. nikmati keindahan laut. AuntyDa;birthday girl . itu bende sungguh gerek . fil la abey . okay now i do feel like a baby , swinging ! hahaaa ! bdk2 ape nih ?! tady pagy set tent , ator bende2 sume . pastuh saye first makan. as per normal ah kn . tkya dijemput . abehh gy maen kite yg terbang tinggi2 lps itu sape gy telepaskn tali die . terbang la bande tuh sendiri . ayaamak ! den drg sume maen b0la saye tak . saye dud0k sebelah makanan . den gy cycling jap , pastuh jmp sedare lagy satu . co-incident ah kn . den da tgh harii . saye pnt cycle,saye baring kt tmpt swing2 tuh . phewwwyoh , dgn angin2 die tk stop2 . confortable skaly .skaly sume da bes maen bola kcw aku kt swing sdp2. sheshh . den mkn lagy ! pastuh gy maen playgr0und dgn bdk2. lets just cut it to the main point. uh ptg , gy carik itu ketam dan prawn lagyy . sungguh tk penting , abey drg gy bawak balek . ayyio . OHH !GERHANA BULAN . SAYE NMPK ! itu bende cute skalyy ! nmpk shape cresent cute ! colour puteh2 cahaye matehari . okayy time tuh kene pki sunglasses. tkkn nk tgk direct sunlight kn . ok first time nmpk gerhana bulan oiits ! sebenarnnyeh mls nk cerite . nk tido ! eh lupe saye mls nk tggu org balek . so saye balek dgn bapak saye naek motor. woitts da brp bulan tk naek itu bende . hahaah !kayykay sekain trimekaseh kerane sudi membace. xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ at 9:28 AM HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AUNTYDA & HAKIM ! -bye , i'm off to pasirrispark !
xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Sunday, January 25, 2009
at 9:31 PMSAYE NK MEMALUKAN ABG SENDIRI . HAHA SUNGGUH JAHAT. EH MENDAKK PEH . HARINI SAYE TGK CRITE ♥RANDYKUSYG♥ N CUTIE CINTA LAURA! CRITE ILOVEU ,OHBABYTHEMOVIE DGN CINTA KIRANA ! WALAUPON DA TGK BERIBU KALI. AWW, TKLEY KEEP MY EYES OF ♥RANDY♥ ! DIE HOT SKALY PLUS CUTE ~ CEYHH! YAWWW TMR FAMILY PICNIC AGAIN . AT PASIR RIS PARK AGAIN . DOING THE SAME THING AGAIN . HAHAAA! oh itu zepak tgh bingit dgn lelaki bodow. saye pon ! ceyh . kite sehatisejiwe okayy ? ktrg anti lelaki ~ shahri u can bring ur heavy ass to somewhere else ah eh . tkya nk step baek2 dpn org ah bulan . sungguh jht kamu yer . kpd lelaki yg suke busted pompan saye doakan kan kamu jatoh di dlm longkang besar kemudian tenggelam . pade siape yg tidak tawu berenang tu naseb kamu lah kn . ceyhhh jht eh aku . no offence. kamuh jgn prasan ah klw bace, sape mkn cili terase pedasnyehh okayy ? walaaweiii ! malay saye dah improve. *CLAPHANDS*
xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Saturday, January 24, 2009
at 7:20 PMOH HARINI SAYE DUDOK RMH SORANG , NK REST TKNK KLUAR. ceyhceyh . hahah! oh , abeh saye kemas satu rmh. harini tk tau knp mcm extra rajen . HEH . sayeh vacum,mop,bas0hpinggan,clearthetable,sidai baju,kemas ataskatil, clear sumorng nyeh tongsampah , kemas bilik ,sapu tangge. HAHAHA! den yg laen balek , esp ayah . ayah:''wah sape kemas rmh nih.. '' denden i g0t prata telor & kosong& kuayteowg0reng&bluecoralbubbletea! okay extra full sehh skrg. oh tady ct apple kol . attention: U NO GOODGIRL, I GOODGIRL! hahah ! u eksyen ah . wah . take bio den dis yr take olvl sumeore. SHIHSH! den nk suro saye ajar arab, mcm phm ah lu nih . EHH ! ORENN BELAMBAKK OI PT DAPO SAYER ! HAHAHA! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YR TO YADA & FRIENDS.
xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Friday, January 23, 2009
at 6:57 PMEYHYAWW! ust jumaah is damn cute ! HEHH. VERY ! ohkayy . i hate friday periods. we have to wait 1 hr in class f0r the bio peeps to finish . its like wasing time . oh & dat 1 hr, nabel,umi&me were like laughing n0nstop ! denden da atlast ngantok, pnt d0k ketawe bnyk2. ohoh . YESTERDAYYYY BRITISH COUNCIL! I was wishing f0r my female tch t0 come, but end up a releif tch came in . & he was my last yr tch . OMG, i miss him sey. he just came back fr0m his h0metown ,ENGLAND ! gee, i came in & he said. ''ey ,fatinah !l0ng time n0 see. always the first ayy! mana abang?!'' i was pointing to the door&he showed up. i was suprised dat he was speaking malay to me. GAHHAH !HE'S DAMN HILARIOUS I TELL U ! denden g0t dis chinese boy sitting nxt t0 me,handsome! ! yay! apart frm sitting wif dat softspoken girl. ohoh ! i f0und out dat she was a korean ,patot la ckp laen mcm ajeh. den he argued wif me f0r the whole lesson . small matter uh ! we were supposed to write the answer on the whiteboard, but he very lazy one, heh ! saye pon same , ckp org.. him:ey u go ah . me:no i d0ntwant ! u go . him:nvm ladies first. me:ayya u . just g0 lah . me:ah , u want t0 go? her:no thnx. me: eyh yada ! u just g0 lah . him: alamak no !wo puyao ! dis malay boy came into our conversation. ridhwan:oi yada, u boy sia! be gentleman ah . me: waliawww, dats rite man ! him: GRR . hmmph . nxt time ur turn ah ! me:yeahrite. ohh hopping f0r nxt week tution again, saye enjoy kat saneh oitts! xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Thursday, January 22, 2009
at 6:56 PMits all about hw, hw & more hw ! i have to complete my maths yg belambak giler,arabcomposition&hafalFARAID. how am i to complete all dat if i have tution aft dis until nite. GRRR. okay ,today may be the third week going to british council. but i still dont like my sitting partner. t0 softspoken && the worst part is dat i cant even hear wat she says. susah mau communicate.&& the tch is so pretty !the boys kept adoring her. haaaaha! 2yrs studying there & dats the first time i g0t a female tch . YAYNESS ! OHOH . tady pegy mesjiddarulaman, kakyatii mau jmp & disscus about the upcoming camp . & the admin watever so called have confirmed me,nabel & umi into our planned positions. i get to be the media part ;computer stuffs. nabel under leader of belia2 sume. umi jdy programmer HEHEH ! kay japp nk advertise ni camp ktrg . pegy ah . ceyhh !wait,kk ni tgk ! picet klw nk tgk lebih dkt. xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Tuesday, January 20, 2009
at 10:37 PMeyhh . PE IS SO LAME I TELL U . no offence. SASTRA ROCKS BABE . okay part tgk crite2 je ah . part tules2 tak,bwt saket tgn ajeh . eh , i watch crite nujumpakbelalang. kekek man . GEEE. maklomlah bknnye selalu tgk crite2 cmnih. oohhkayyy. SKIPPING until the end of lesson . we wait f0r bi0 peeps t0 finish . den stops sharifah frm leaving the class. HEHHEEE. confront time ! OH, i was so lazy to layan all dis things. den i just listen. Sharifah merepek skalyyy ! ktrg tny s0alan . answer die asek ckp ''tak igt.'' last2 sume fedup . Sawee still puts on her dramaacting. sape nk mengaku la kn . Syifaa however can be more trusted though . wat she said sume make sense. brp jam nta drg bebual sume dgn skinheads yg laen . fil kt blakang baring kt atas meja nk tetdo . so sleepy. balek kt bus tetdotdooo . den GRR. tk dpt tgk cte cne . terlepas la pulak . tak prasan . tgh confrence dgn si nabel,umi same radhi . den last2 akmal p0n join . smpaii k0l 1030 . ~OITTS . ENJOY LIFE LA ABEY . xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Monday, January 19, 2009
at 10:39 PMoh tady . sayeh kene r0gol dgn cucu sayer ni sume. MAYA same BILLY . ituh mia same faza pon subahat ahh . abeh tgh in the middle of being molested ade witness nih nmpk , dari tingkat 6 . so tk jdy drg nk continue wat they wanted t0 do . GAAAAH . mcm paham ajeh dgr2 ni sume. kesian ah SAYE NIH asek kene bully ajeh . tkpeh . besabar. GAAAH. stooopppidfil. tdy nk bwt pr0ject.abehabehh; confronted sawee & syifaa at t0a payoh , maikeciqs h0metown . ktrg sume gy tingkt 12 . sume da jacon . tinggi giler skalyy . angin die peh kuat. K DAHH . PROBLEM IS ALMOST SETTLE. ceyh . thnx t0 skinheads. oh, yah . sape yg tk tawu . sharifah yg meras0k drg untuk bergad0h. ituh lollyfaizkentalan pon belitbelit cerite, bodowAH ! kan skrg sawee&syifaa da misunderstoo0d. tapi i still think sawee is still telling lies. about the muke piring thingyy . while settling ktrg smpat ambik gmba . HEHH . -___________________- pastuh da nk balek kte naek tingkt 40 . everyone was WOW-ing. i tell u i can see half of singapore. i spot bishan . HAHA . i can rec0nize their buildings. ey . da 11 , tid0 time fil ! katel da memanggil . xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Sunday, January 18, 2009
at 10:57 PMcan see mate ey snym ! wtvr. ah yah . tuka blogskin ;ade date ! ohkay,no big deal . sawee's story is starting to be sow stewpeed i tell u ! gah i d0nt have d0 anything. but dis advise is f0r u . ''STOP UR ACTING & STOP TELLING STEWPEED LIES TO EVERYONE!'' nyeah soon the thruth will be reveal. HAHAHA. ey evil ah. DAHH! just n0w mom went to EXPO . saye tkleh ik0t , abeh mom ask to gosok baju sumeorg. $5 dpt. -____- tmr school . haaaha! xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Saturday, January 17, 2009
at 10:11 PMTodayy is Saturdayy . i hate dis skin , tak include the date wen im posting . but den lece plak nk change new skin. kayykayy tady g0 to school; maths talk . tak menyesal saye bgn pagypagy. den smpai sk0la extra early , c0z i klua extra early . n i tot i was late. but den smpai mcm cket org. pastuh 10 da start the talk until 12 noon . pastu nabel,me& umi off t0 SP,change cl0thes. den met kkbuddy & khairul. nk mkn sushi k0non tak ajak org. hmppph . hahha! pastuh met fathin at the platf0rm mrt. g0 to expo . kene support dat radhi guy . smpaii ter0s nmpk rmi bdk junied,like duh . den tgk bdk juneid maen angklung. pastuh g0t dis zapin pef0rmance. pastuh syamil nyanyi2 BLABLABLA. & den JENGJENG! shabab pny turn . wahh drg maen k0mpang cute seyh . radhi was at the fr0nt singing wif his other 3 members. ohkay , radhi nyanyi suare power. tkya nk tny2 lagyy ah kn . heh. i kept laughing looking at dem,kekek ah satu2. den dabes tuh drg gy beli mkn ... denden da nk balek . jmp si sislurp n zul baru smpaii . drg da mcm , '''ahh krg da nk balek'' wif their shocked faces. haha! KAY DAH MLS NK SMBONG . tmr tution arab. hmm . xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Friday, January 16, 2009
at 6:41 PMOHHH . i am a stage fright . i am s0 not going to dat again . eh . pagy tadi kene bace d0a kat dpn . wat d0 u expect, everyone was looking at u . && fil menggigil . nmpk microphone kt tepi . i did many mistakes. SHEESHUTUP . BLABLABLA. first period was tafsir . zah was explaining . && i was busy playing wif my hello kitty stationaries . s0 i wont get sleepy. but i still hear wat she explains okayy . denden , 2nd period english . GRP WORK . den recess. everyone started t0 buy those sushis . i d0nt get it . nvm, denden aft dat maths period . ohoh! wait. did i tell u kid came in too our class back . skinheads was supeeeeeeeeeer happy ! maths was okayyy . heheh. den arab lesson . i was called up, guess i wasnt paying attetion to the whiteb0ard. heh, but i did manage to get the answer right. wooo . pastuhh dapat chocolaaaaaaaaaaaatesweet. dennpackkbag. off t0 thiong baru . accompanied nabelahh t0 extend her ezlink . denden da mcm 30 min tggu . we were starving s0 we bought piekia's pie. && d0nuttt my FAV ! oh . yahh . den zarifyzepakkingblurrkatak&&syaaafgergerl pranked us otw back . oh itu amaalmacaaap p0n subahaat. there were nabel , me & umi. nabel was reallyreally panic i tell u . den at last kene WATIPUSAMALU . mammps ,nabel da h0t sume bende terklua dari mulut die. AYYIIO . ITU BDK2 PRANK TAKADA KERJA LAEN EYYH! xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Monday, January 12, 2009
at 7:12 PMayyyio . tady lmbt smpaii sk0la den kne tules name . BLABLA. ohh . first peri0d malayy . kene bwt karangan ! ''mengejar impian'' den aft dat english . pastuh RECESS ! den sastra kene tules belambak seyh . tgn nk patah . pen pon tuka2 tules. handwriting pon tuka2. HAHAAAAAA. tules2 da ngantok gituh . nxt lesson sejarahISLAM . ayyio . ngantok sesgt. tapi okay ah zah ajar. nk try bwt klaka ey zahh . ''nk mintak bedak puteh kn muke mcm awk ah '' HAHHA ! den s0lat time . aft dat wen back t0 class packup bag. den off to tpy. MOM'S GOING TO DUBAI SOON . 3 months working there . aww. h0w can i survive without her. all the house chores we have to do on our own . maybe dad will cook sometimes, OR we g0 to neneks h0use to eat. xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Sunday, January 11, 2009
at 5:44 PMtoday is sunday . i have to do dis c0z my blog d0sent show wens the date im posting . pathetic ah kn. eyy . late f0r tution . ayyio . mcm mane nk dpt berkat dtg tution lmbt . tution start k0l 12 30 , & i came at 1 45 . and tution habes kol 2 20 . brp min je blaja. moms fault ! :P SHEESH! oyy yesterday . makk aii , sistars & kkbuddy & their partners celebrate umi's bday . && f0r the first time org celebrate umi peh bday . she was touched. awww. oh . geee. i have so much time to tell the whole story !! abeh excited ey . kaykay. plan jmp k0l 11 pagy . tapy saye kluar rmh k0l 11. ayyio late. so i t0ok the bus. zepakk&bapokchong smpaii dulu . GAAH . chong pki bju RED COLOUR cm KFC nyeh . kekek . den fil smpai pastuh nabel , akmal . kakbuddy & hyrul. pastuh g0 KFC, waste time there. den off to pasirrispark . setup the place,rent bike. oh ya dis part wen i was riding dis bike yg due org b0le naek . it was very hard t0 control , wif nabelah nagging at the back . ''oiits betol2 ah , asal senget2 nih ...BLABLABLA'' i asked her to try the first sit , & she cant even move the bike . ayyyio ituhbdk ckp ajeh bnyk. den i have to patahbalek bnyk kalii . wah kaki penat giler. denden JENGJENG. radhi came frm behind umi,singing while holding a cake. GAH , so romantic i tell u . mcm annivasary party . den he sings dis mala song. GAHH . zul also bwk kek , so ade due kek. den potong kek , rdhi gives dis bracelet. & card. umi part tuh da speecless. take picture . BLABLA. sumeorg mkn kek. den drg due gy berasmara kt satu banch . den ktrg dari blakang cmpak waterbomb && tepong. & den sume start lari . itu kkbuddy & hyrul same zepak&chong pk bole hide ah tk kne tep0ng sume. atlast kne kejar dgn umi , sumeorg kne tepong gah im so lazy to run . so i just stand there & watch my surroundings. radhi was the first to hit me wif water ! ayyia . takpeh . nabel ter0k kene . de selalu kene paleng terok i tell u . den sume da kene . abeh drg tk puas lagy tambah waterbomb . i was sitting & watching again sume lari2 . tepong masok mate angin tiup . igt dud0k tkd org nk attack . skaly si zepak was tapping my back. ''u ok takk? '' padehal die tgh ltk tepong on my back . den si nabel plak dtg cmpk waterbomb. GRR ! abeh da BLABLA. gy maen kt pasir , conteng name. si zepak same chong tknk kalah ltk name peh bsr. haaha! denden ktrg gy angkt2 batu sume . walk dkt dis muddysand . my slipar stuck kt sand den bwh die dah koyak . pastuh da nk k0l 6+sume kemas2 . den g0 to whitesand beli slipar baru . HAHA , $10 pny budget slippar. balek dgn kkbuddy & hyrul naek bus 15 . i slept at bus . damn tired. leg pain ! balek da nk kt maghrib naseb tk kene marah . den mandi sume, mkn lamb chop . oh ni kene pakai forks & pisau . abeh saye giveup potong itu lamb peh susah nk . atlast pakai tangan, den gigit. ceyh . ni kes da lapar punya. den watch manjalara. SLEEP TIME! xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Wednesday, January 7, 2009
at 7:04 PMMAY U BE BLESS BY ALLAH , && LAST LONG WIF HIM ! so school was okay . hadis tyme ustz Q was being extra nice to me. i still remember , she accused me of something i didnt d0 . ;P Arab lesson satu haprak pon tak phm ustz S ajar. phm2 kn sendiri seh . cna baek kepe blaja jahit tudong tyme arab lesson.. HAHAA! Recess is always great. ohoh! umi kene sabo kek chocolate(40cent) kat muke . thnx t0 fatha sponser cake. Maths was easy at first ,astlast da complicated. as always la kn . Quraan was okayyy . Ustz Sammy is more nicer dis yr . Eng period tgk dis bully video . terigt sesiape yg suke bully fil eh ! cucu2 saye ni sume; MAYA ,FAZA & MAIKECIQ ! HAHAAHA! xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Tuesday, January 6, 2009
at 5:15 PM2nd day of school; haaa. P.E first period ! we have to play dis string game ; && s0mehow our grp won first. but i'm not sure we play it rite or n0t. sumeorg maen hentam ajeh . i was laughing like stupid pers0n . AHH . yah , sastra was very boring at first . bc0z i d0nt quite get wat cikgu says. it started to be quite exciting wen we try to create a sajak together. sumeorg maen hentam ajeh klua kan idea; it turns out to be quite perfect atlast. eh , dah mls nk cerite the whole story. bye . cte cne saye da start ! xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Monday, January 5, 2009
at 7:47 PMFirst Day Of School ! -_________-'' i stepped in , & saw many people wearing their new, big / longgar tudong . no offence babe. i was one of dem though. its been always like dat on the first day of school. GAHH . I LIKE RECESS . EATING TIME ! aft dat ustazah samiah teach us sejarah islam , on the first day . basically like recap all we learn last yr. although my eyes was like half close , but my ears are fully open ! i kept writing&drawing at the paper to keep me awake. aft s0lat time . we wait like 1 hr until all the chemistry peeps to finish &the principle to come to our class. She was explaning the school fees . which remains the same presicely ; Rampain:$100 Fees:$90 the chem peeps have to pay extra though . den she starts telling this ''PROMISE'' story . oh , i dont noe why . but my eyes really cant take to hear long stories. i really have to train dem f0r dis yr . :p && i wont be opening comp like everyday . only weekends. unless i have some projects & stuffs to do . dat sucks.
xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Friday, January 2, 2009
at 8:41 PMI HAVE SO MANY TO POST ABOUT YESTERDAY & THE DAY BEFORE ! hmm, where to start eyh . oh sad part ! TAK DPT AMEK GMBA DGN FAUZIE LAILY ! & yeah dpt jmp sistars & all their prince ! my dream come true baby ! -umi same radhi ; mkn pon igt each other how great is dat. -nabel & fiyiman; aw.krg due2 very the cute ah ,mcm bear nyeh couple! -zepak & bapok chong ; wah sweet fated couple ,pki colour bju pon same2. && ChefBOB is cute & chubby ! his very suberb in cooking . Ismail is super irritating. kept taking pictures of me secretly . GRR ! Akmal & Muhaimin are super friendly& kind ! gee, i like ! KakIffah & azurah ; i felt sorry for them man . asek kne marah jeh . BEING A PHOTOGRAPHER IS REALLY TIRING. WALK HERE , WALK THERE, GO UPS & DOWNS. plus camera berat hang kat kepale dgn hp & bagduit . ini blm SLR nyeh . SYARAHAN ustat ravi tak dgr sgt . dat time very busy . den 2am KakYati suro tido . ktrg da mcm lapa & shebring dis nugget , hotdogs & i dont noe wat. sme kebas nugget dgn hotdogs! den2 tyme tido sme tak tido . everyone were like step tido smbil drg lagu pki earpiece. abeh the nxt ting drg sme dgr crite nabelah . i was lazy so i just join in zepaks story . we called bapok at 3 am & he sings BLABLA. den tyme qiyam yg laensme solat. ktrg tido , i put on my headphone . so tk drg apehapeh . teros tertido . tk smpai 15 min drg kejot . den i sleep back . the same thing repeats. oh . 2nd day . LAPAR GILER i was the first to eat . i create a baby balloon . sayang nk buang tp atlast buang jgk ! den2 Azan competition , bdk kecik2 cute ! LUQMAN TAK AH KN . haa. jk ! anw, nice azan bapok ! BLABLABLAAA ! den tyme balek . walk wif drg sme;(akmal,umi,radhi,zul& i dont noe who) gi MRT. for topup, den i take bus home . tetdo kt bus ! GAHH. memalu kn ,rmi lah sgt org! balek pnt gyler. teros baring tkley tdo . im so lazy to post all the rest. currently chatting wif zepak& bapokchong & akmal.
xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ Thursday, January 1, 2009
xoxo, wiF l0ve,fiL♥ |
Songs Razi Atikah Hakim Fatin Sis-Stars ; ° ° Nabelah ° Zepakking ° Mommay ° Netty Amal Syak Skineads ; MIaaa Aurelia Ircha Maya KidKiddo Billy PJaay MaiKeciq Elly Fathanah Maarifians ; Beeda Fee Marr Sabrina Aishah Amalina Fatimah Shashi Syafiqah Jannah Kak Atiqah Kak Dee Frenslove ; Faiiz Komeng Naz Qamarul Amin Irfan Uli Spongebob Mus Luqman Hikam Liyaana Eemah Teeq Istaa Fifi Ellisya Faiezah Maria Masturah Kams Syazreema Zuhailah Hana Hamizah Phyd Tagboard Archives Credits © All Rights Reserved |