Wow, You Filling It?

Friday, February 29, 2008
at 7:56 PM

Just n0w dpt maths re-test nye paper back,
sumeorg nga tak0t seyh...
den bile dpt my paper,
haPpy seyh,
walaup0n tk brp, still pass wat..
ktrg kn bknnye selalu pass maths..
i g0t 19/30.
tkpe2, nnti try harder!

Fiqh period tk blaja tau,
best ustazah ajak maen kt c0urt,
kte maen curi daging, but slightly different.
eh, da lame seyh tk maen,
kte kene jadi unta , lembu, kambing, gold , silver, anggur la , etc.
ni sume yg ade kene mengene dgn zakat ahh..
den2 da lame2 maen fun tau...
tp atlast kalah ahh, tp s0 wat seyh .
grp ''unaisawi'' yg mng !

and yeah, plan f0r tommorr0w,
surprise birthday party for zul by Sistarz & sister lurp!
me & shida will buy the cake,
the rest g0t amp at sch0ol so they'll meet us at pasir ris aft dey finish..
but d0nt if nabel can make it or n0t..
cant wait f0r tomm0row!
must be very fun seii!

*fil wif love

wiF l0ve,fiL♥

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
at 8:33 PM

Ahahah, cik mar & i did a greaaaat j0b bullying mia, fun la seii..!
kalau tkd keje, b0ring gitu, mestii bully mia, psl die kn d0k tgh s0 ktrg due bole kacau2 diie!
kesiann seyh mia, nk bully die cm tk smpaii hati gituu, muke step inn0cent je !
tp walau ape2 p0n , fil nk buli mia jgk!

alamakk , td kt class kene ''rogol'' seyh dgn si zepak & nazira..
fiL innocent okayy, drgnye tgn la nii gatal sgt pegang2 org kt private part nye tmpt!
ish2, lagi2 nazira n0n stop seyh..
mepek seyh..

&&& mia , fil tk jeles okeh psl blog mia!

*fil wif much love!!!

wiF l0ve,fiL♥

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
at 9:55 PM

b0ring like'' ___'' as per n0rmal!
n0w? hearing song,watching tv, frenster!
at Sch0ol, fathah,syidah,nabel & zepak didin't come.
nabel & zepak pakat ehh td tk dtg,fil tau krg gi h0tel kn,
tk ajak ehh!tkpe2...
just n0w,dpt tauhid paper balek seyh, dpt 16.5/20!
ish2, tk hafal bt0l2 laa,kalau tk le dpt 18 ke 19...congratz t0 fathah & s0lfiQ!
Mia & kid kn, hari2 kalau tk nyanyi tkle tauu,si kid td tk habes2 dgn lagu hari raya,
padehal lg lame seyh hari rAya,
pastuu start ah diie nyanyi ...
eg:''aidilftri,hari bahgia!''
mia nyanyi lagu h0t , tp diie tuka2 lyrics untk fil..
eg:''u make aidil so hot,u make aidil wanna dr0p''
ahh, mia crapps seyh , Reminder untk krg,aidil bkn fil nyer okehh, die wirda nye!
kt sk0la aft recess selalu ngant0k seyh, tkle angkat!
time arabic nk kat tertd0, tp tkle, zahQ mesti prasan nyer..
bes0k ade hadis test lagii, td ptg da blaja okehh!
tp blm confident sgt ah, b0le dpt sume...
hahah, tg0k cte ''dompet'' kt suria,
b0le tetd0 seyhh,
ngant0k sgt2!
wiF l0ve,fiL♥

Monday, February 25, 2008
at 8:02 PM

Very BORING u noe ,decided to post ...

just nows English paper was quite tough a bit,
the comprehension part la , words all
small2 than the story very long plak tuu..
dat time very sleepy aft recess, i finished the paper on time, not enuf time to sleep la seii..

During maths lesson , tch called one by one t0 d0 our hw on the whiteboard,
tch was calling nabelah but instead, nabihah was the one who got up to the white board,
then we were like, ''oii kid,nabelah la bkn nabihah!"
hahahah, kesian kid ehh
PAISEY la seii,

den , aft lesson we practiced our dikir,
greens were teaching the pinks the new step,
zarifah was very, very excited that she had passed teaching the steps,
she was like overjoyed aft finish teaching wanii !
seeing wani doing the steps was funny tau, shud see it, the way she did was like very
hahah! no doubts...
we've heard the arab lyrics dat was written by amirah and sang by radhiah,
wow, very nice tauu,

ok2, fil will not be posting aft a few days,

wiF l0ve,fiL♥

Sunday, February 17, 2008
at 10:50 PM

ok2, i did'nt just study 4 the wh0le day, i did dis editing,
s0 tk stress sgt.haaha! really have n0thing else t0 do..
blm habes hafal quran 4 t0mmorow,
dpt cket2 je.
insya' last min buat, enta agknye zah Q phm tk..
t0mm0rro g0t acting pef0rmance,
i will be the narrat0r,since the rest wanted s0 much t0 act,
we'll be pef0rming about Hang Tuah & Hang Jebat.
Nabel & Umi are so tempting to d0 the silat dat
zarifah tought dem..!

wiF l0ve,fiL♥

Saturday, February 16, 2008
at 8:24 PM

Upcoming test f0r nxt week 2 study!
nk kene hafal Quran lg, Surah An-Najm ayat 30-40!
Saraf plak kene hafal tasrifat !
Stress! Bnyk kene Hafal la seii!!!
Maths,re-test, kene blaja lagiii!
okayy pe0ple, wish me lUck~!
wiF l0ve,fiL♥

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
at 7:03 PM

i failed my science la seii! i studied u noe, tp atlast fail. i thing i did'nt study enuf.
g0nna try harder f0r the next test !
T0mm0rrow maths test! n0w stuying like wat la seii, bnyk tau formula kene revise back.
t0pic da la psl algebera!
hist0ry p0stpone t0 next tuesay, kalau tk, td da kene test..

just n0w practise DK was fun !
seeing s0me of my frens practising, funny la seii!
esp, MIaaa! haha! JK la seii!
Cikgu just t0ld dat we cant practise outside sch0ol, den we can 0nly practise wen we finish class at 2. but we have only 1 hr to practise, dat is fr0m 2-3! we have 0nly 1 day tau yg balek k0l 2.
s0 dat means we 0nly practise 1 week, 1 kali je.
mane cukup time seyh, da la diie nye c0mpotition first week 0f march, skrg da febuary..ish2, i h0pe la ktrg nye level bole make it. Inysa'Allah!

hmm, nk c0ntinue study la,
tknk fail cm science..
wiF l0ve,fiL♥

Sunday, February 10, 2008
at 8:32 PM

Just came back, td gi mkn kt swensens, my m0m g0t dis $90 voucher darii maybank. huhuhu, kenyang seii, fish & chip pastu mkn c0okie summit! s0 alt0gether ktrg spent $92 gitu, cume tambah $2!
Den, gi tgk my dad maen b0la, kt tmpt SIA sp0rts club. ktrg sampaii tgh 2nd half. anw, tk kesah ah, fiL tgk b0la ni sume tk phm uhh.. cume nk tau je sape mng, in the end tie, 1-1 !
Skrg nii tinggal buat hw karangan. ayyiio, tk phm uh cmne nk buat.den revise cket subject.. den get ready barang2 untk bes0k!
yay! sek0la..! last day 0f h0liday, mendak la seii dud0k uma je.
wiF l0ve,fiL♥

at 3:17 PM

I miss camp GF, my babEz !
* thnx t0 Anaa f0r editting this picture, iLy babe!

t0day b0ring la seii, dud0k uma je..
kene blaja untk test hist0ry on tue, tk phm uh seii.
maths test lg on friday, bnyk tau formula diie..
tafsir test p0stpone on the 20th feb, psl bnyk lg t0pic blm blaja..
nxt2 tue plak ade tauhid test,on the friday ade fiqh, tpic psl zakat ah seii, c0fusing..
nxt3 m0n english test, dat , i'm l0oking foward!

ahh, hw blm biken , maths, karangann!
tkpe uh mlm ni b0le buat..

eh, b0ring la seii!
mendak ah dud0k kt uma satu harii!
b0le jd giler tauu!
wiF l0ve,fiL♥

Saturday, February 9, 2008
at 9:26 PM

Siti Apple Love Haiqal!
*bluek! must believe , tk caye suda.
wiF l0ve,fiL♥

at 7:21 PM

Tadi jumpe zepak and sedare die pt Bedok, nk tgk silat nye competition.Den time tu nga tunggu kt Mrt, skalii jumpe aidil, tepranjat seyh. Abe die senyum bile nmpk ktrg..haha! ok2! bile da sampaii tmtp silat tu nmpk nam, wanii, kiid, ilaa, shida & kak bad, kesian drg jd volunteer,b0ring giler seyh dud0k sane. da tu ktrg masok den dud0k jap, tk smpaii 15 min ktrg klua darii sane, b0ring ah stakat tgok drg silat je.
Ktrg den gi TM, lapar sgt ktrg gi mkn kt KFC. Den jumpe zul kt MRT tamp, kte jln2 jap kt TM pas2 amek neoprint, pastu sii zepak stress sgt ktrg ajak die maen tmpt game2 tuu, gerek seyh .
Main racing laa, tembak2, b0le jd giler seyh maen kt situu.da kua je stress hilang! den we went back h0me..belii bubble tea zul blanje la seii, tkya klua duit!
Da smpaii uma , b0ring plak. s0 maen c0mp je ahh. da la sorang kt uma, family fiL sume gi jogging pt stadium, mls uh nk ikut. fiL nk jogging?! smpaii tue pon krg tk akan nmpk kte jog la seii..haha! ok2! so skrg nii nga maen c0mp smpaii mlm, den aru blaja. hehes!
wiF l0ve,fiL♥

Friday, February 8, 2008
at 4:32 PM

Zarifah Zakaria Love Danial Khalaf!!!!!!
*zarifah jgn step tk nmpk!no comment, sume org da tau, and akan tauu..!

wiF l0ve,fiL♥

at 12:45 PM

Tired la seii, just came back fr0m east c0ast beach.My family and i overnite kt sane f0r the ferst time..1 day 1 nite je, ktrg tdo dlm tent tk confartable seyh, da la ade bunyi kapal terbang tk stop2. terbgn bnyk kali seyh,tkde peace lagsung. sampaii 3 pagi p0n org maseh maen b0la,da la pekiik2..
td0 kol 12 lebih, sebelum tu dgr misteri jam 12 ah smpaii tetdo, den bgn k0l 8 gitu. tu p0n skrg maseh ngant0k tauu.Quite fun ah, fil tk mandi laut,cume maen pasir dgn sedare je. yg laen sume mandi..da tu , ktrg gi mkn kt daerah sane den terus balik. pas niii nk td0!
wiF l0ve,fiL♥

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
at 8:39 PM

Today was the last day of sch00l, t0morrow and Friday tk sk0la, Chinese New Year!
But i cant just enjoy the h0lidays, many m0re test coming up seyh.Must study & revise back all the subject. Td hadis test was quite easy laa. Tafsir bnyk dok kene hafal, gini tkle last-min study ah.
anw, MIaaa if u are reading this, let me remind u that.....U love Zainal! hahahaaha, tu laa kacau fiL lg kn!
wiF l0ve,fiL♥

Monday, February 4, 2008
at 8:22 PM

0n sunday, I cut my hair!! I give up la seii, my hair was so thick & long...Can't stand it, so i tell my m0m & she decided t0 go to her fren's h0use 2 cut my hair on that day itself.. Atlast, my hair feel s0 light and confartable..! den2, at nite my dad ajak kua! we went to Compass Point, Sengkang. We were given 20 bucks each. Ferst2 mcm cukup gitu ah, da beli2, atlast tinggal brp cents je..baru igt nk save 5 ke 10 bucks. Hahhha! seems dat i can't save m0ney..
wiF l0ve,fiL♥


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